News — carlsbadnm

Harold's Helpful Hints: Add a prefilter

carlsbadnm carlsbadsmallengine gokartparts gokarts lawnmowerparts small town business smallenginerepair

 <==== Click here to select from our list of prefilters!   Add an air pre filter to your equipment. Oil it a little to make dirt stick and keep fine dirt from the engine. Engines cost a lot, and a clean pre filter will make it last a lot longer. Just wash it out when it gets dirty and reinstall. We change filters during the tune up and also sell air filters. Get some today in the store. We also sell blades for chainsaws, push and riding at Carlsbad small Engine or online at 2310 W Church Carlsbad, NM 88220 575-885-2788...

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Harold's Helpful Hints: Keep dirt out of the engine

carlsbadnm carlsbadsmallengine gokartparts gokarts lawnmowerparts small town business smallenginerepair

   <==== Click here to check out our selection of air filters! Engines suck, they really do. Air filters keep the dirt out side of the engine out and a bad air filter will cause premature engine failure. Change the air filter about every 25 hours and more often. Here is a hint chech the oil for grittiness. That's usually dirt. Dirty oil - dirty filter. We change filters during the tune up and also sell air filters. Get some today in the store. We also sell blades for chainsaws, push and riding at Carlsbad small Engine or online at...

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Harold's Helpful Hints: Add fuel stabilizer to the gas

carlsbadnm carlsbadsmallengine gokartparts gokarts lawnmowerparts small town business smallenginerepair

Gas will evaporate and when it does it will leave residue in the carb blocking fuel flow. Stabilizers help slow down this deterioration and extend equipment life. Add it before the motor starts running bad. We treat all fuel during the tune up and also sell fuel stabilizer. Get some today in the store. We also sell blades for chainsaws, push and riding at Carlsbad small Engine or online at 2310 W Church Carlsbad, NM 88220 575-885-2788 Like us on Facebook! Specials, informational posts to help with your small engine problems, and daily laughs. Click below to check it...

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Harold's Helpful Hints: Slime the tires before they go flat

carlsbadnm carlsbadsmallengine gokartparts gokarts lawnmowerparts small town business smallenginerepair

   Tires will develop leaks over time, it is inevitable. They're not meant to last forever. Also, plants and bushes will punch holes. 20-30 oz of sealant in the tires like slime or another brand will help prevent failures. Be proactive and bring it in so that we can seal your tires with industrial sealant for a low price. We slime tires in the store. Go to Carlsbad Small Engine at 2310 W. Church St. Carlsbad, NM 88220 (575) 885-2788 or online click below to arrange for a pickup and delivery! Like us on Facebook! Special deals, informational posts to help...

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Harold's Helpful Hints: Change or sharpen the blade with the oil change

carlsbadnm carlsbadsmallengine gokartparts gokarts lawnmowerparts small town business smallenginerepair

 <==== Click here to check out our selection of blades! Blades cut. Sharp blades get the job done quick and clean, while dull blades cut badly and damage the grass causing brown spots and allowing places for infection to take root. Replace or sharpen the blade as part of the tune-up or oil change on you mower regularly. We sharpen blades in the store, and also sell blades for chainsaws, push and riding mowers at Carlsbad Small Engine at 2310 W. Church St. (575) 885-2788 or online at Lawn mower, compressor, and go-kart repair and vintage small engine parts....

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