Harold's Helpful Hints: Winterize your equipment now and save hundreds later by Carlsbad Small Engine and ask the mower guy
A cold chill is moving upon us. Nightly a barrage of messages have been flashing on the screen. Schools are shut down, roads closed, and animals start to burrow deep into the earth. The cold is upon us. The cold weather plays havoc on small engines. The temperature changes cause carburetors not to work, condensation and water form in the gas tanks and leave deposits blocking ports. Pistons rust and valves stick. Drain out all the gas. I mean all the gas, even the gas in the lines. Run it until all the gas is out. How to drain...
Harold's Helpful Hints: Change your spark politicians just like sparkplugs - often by Carlsbad Small Engine and Ask the Mower Guy
blog elections politics spark plugs
How do you know when you should replace your favorite politician? This is a pretty common question. I generally answer by saying it’s the same as deciding to change a sparkplug in your mower. That answer seems appropriate seeing how we are in the midst of an election cycle and it is pretty accurate. Now, I am not openly endorsing one party or another, Democrat or Republican. I am not saying any particular candidate new or incumbent may be showing some of the signs it time to replace them. I think this advice may help people decide who to vote...